Last night I went to bed feeling a bit down. I guess we all have those days. But as I've said before, when you have major depression "those days" are almost everyday. As always, I keep faith in God and try to push on with life. This morning, I woke up with a burning desire to say something. So here goes...
We are now out of time. You might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, let me explain. As a young Christian woman in this world today, I think it's safe to say the end is now. Earthquakes, floods, terrorism, racism, violence and the return of slavery. To an extent, yes the world has gone mad. Mad with money, fame and power. People seem to have lost sight of what is truly important.
I see a world that teaches our young girls how to be promiscuous. I see people with the means to use their voice positively to help others, yet they choose to fatten their own pockets and disregard the calls for help.
When did the world become so selfish? When did it get so bad that we're afraid to be out at night? Well I'm convinced that we live in the last and closing days. Jesus is definitely coming soon. So I just have one question..
Where will you be spending your eternity? I am no millionaire, I am not a supermodel. But I love Jesus Christ and I strive to treat others the way I would like to be treated. Money can't buy you a ticket to heaven. Be kind to people, love and cherish each other. And remember we are almost out of time. Make good choices and know that Jesus loves you. Get it right with God and everything else will fall into place.
I would not be doing my duty if I didn't say this. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, just ask him to come into your life and change your heart. Get in a church and I promise you it'll be the best thing you ever do.
God bless you. Until next time.