Thursday, 2 May 2019

Story of my life......

I remember a time when I only had one pair of shoes. One pair to go wherever I had to go. Those were some loyal shoes. I wore them until they died. That was not too long ago, but it seems like a lifetime ago.

I remember when I was skinny. But back then I already had the cemented thought that I was not pretty enough. Now I know that I am beautiful. Made by God, I am precious. But if only I can loose a few more pounds....

You see, we are never truly satisfied. We always have something else we want or need. Is anyone ever really happy? We smile with our friends and family. We hang out and get together. But are we happy?

I fear I have no idea what true happiness is and I fear I might die without knowing.
Life is unfair, ramblings of our elders. Trying to explain why this happened to you.

I go to church, I treat people right. I help those in need. I work my tail off. I studied to earn all of my degrees. So, why me?

No one seems to have the answer to this question.

I am not about to give up. I have worked way to hard to get here. I can't allow my dreams, my goals, my emotions, my body to die. I can't die without fulfilling my purpose.

I will not rest my beautiful soul just yet. I will straighten my crown and press on. I believe my happiness is out there. I WILL find it. I will NEVER give up.