Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Why I worship...

I grew up in church from a very tender age. My life was centered around Jesus Christ.

I cannot and will not hide the fact that I serve Jesus with all of my heart and I try to be the best person that I can be.

I have always had visions of leading the congregation into worship and seeing great miracles taking place through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I grew up watching my older sister do worship, I admired her so much. I wanted to be like her.

Finally, I am at a place in my Christian life where my walk with Jesus Christ has brought me to be the worship leader at my church .

Recently, I had someone mention to me that what I had been through with depression and anxiety was not real. They said it was a spirit. I would not dispute the fact that the devil tries to attack us as Christians in various ways.

But I also won't be the type of Christian who acts like they're perfect and nothing is ever wrong with them. Depression is as real as any other disease. And YES God is able to heal any disease.

I am not perfect. I am just a human. I NEED Jesus in my life. If everything was perfect I wouldn't need him. We all as human beings have trials and crosses to bear in different ways.

I don't worship because I can carry a tune in the right key. I worship because I want to scream to the world what Jesus has done for me. I know where I have been. Thank God for bringing me to this present place and time.

I look forward for all of my tomorrows. With Jesus by my side, I can do anything.

If you are a Christian facing a difficult situation, whatever it may be.  Not everyone is going to understand you. Not everyone will take your issues seriously. But Jesus knows all that concerns us. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us.

Stay focused and watch God work on your behalf. He said "Be still and know that I am GOD."

I will trust in my God. He never fails. No matter what comes my way, no matter what people say to me or about me. I know who I am in Jesus Christ.

Have faith and remember.. this to shall pass.

Thank you for reading.
Until next time,

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