Gosh! I hate depression!!
Sometimes, I can be in the middle of a big, happy family event. Sometimes, I'm at home watching a movie and BAM!!!!!! Out of nowhere comes an overwhelming sadness, deep in my soul. I have tried to analyze this change and what causes it (triggers). However, sometimes I find that there aren't any rational explanations. It just is, what it is. The sad reality of depression.
When it's good, it's good and when it's bad, it's crippling. I think all we really want is to find that semi-solid medium ground. But until then the battle continues. I know depression won't win because I will never give up.
I serve a God who is bigger than any problem, and mightier than any foe. I have come too far to give up now. To anyone suffering from depression, keep the faith and know that we are in this together. God bless you until next time.
- Latoya.
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